GNU/Linux Ubuntu 20.04 Installing HeeksCAD – Quick-Start Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install HeeksCAD in Ubuntu 20.04 Focal LTS GNU/Linux Desktop.
And HeeksCAD for Ubuntu Focal is a Free and Open Source Software Computer-aided Design Program written in C++.
It uses Open CASCADE Technology internally for the modelling and wxWidgets as its widget Toolkit.
HeeksCAD supports Cuboids, Spheres, Cylinders and Cones as basic 3D Solids.
Moreover, this guide includes detailed instructions about to Getting-Started with HeeksCAD on Ubuntu.
Finally, this Setup is valid for all the Ubuntu-based Distros like:
- Linux Mint
- Zorin OS
- Lubuntu
- Elementary OS
- Kde Neon
- Pop_OS!
- Xubuntu
- Linux Lite
- Bodhi
- Puppy
- Kubuntu
- Trisquel
- Voyager Ubuntu
- feren OS
- Peppermint
- Linux Ultimate Edition (You may just need to Discover what’s the Parent Release)

1. Terminal Getting-Started Guide
How to Quick-Start with Command Line on Ubuntu GNU/Linux: