How to Install
2. Enabling Docker Repository
Enable Docker CE Repo for Ubuntu GNU/Linux
3. Pre-Installation Checks
Then Check KVM Virtualization is available
This because Docker Desktop run in a QEMU Virtual Machine!
So try:egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo
If in Output > 0 then your Processor support Hardware Virtualization!
(But on a PC you may have still to enable it on BIOS…)
Now again, Install the needed Tool:sudo apt install cpu-checker
And then Verify it:
If it’s Good you will see:
INFO: /dev/kvm exists KVM acceleration can be used
Finally, if the answer is negative you can still use KVM but only in a Slow mode…
4. Downloading Docker Desktop
Download Docker Desktop for Ubuntu GNU/Linux
Possibly, on Firefox Prompt Choose “Save File”:
5. Installing Docker Desktop
Then to Set up Docker Desktop on Ubuntu
First Access the Target, usually in the Downloads folder:cd && cd Downloads
To Check is there do:
ls . | grep docker-desktop
The grep Command Refine the output List showing only the entries Matching the Keyword.
But if yuo are in Trouble to Find Out it on Terminal See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.
And then to Setup Docker Desktop:sudo apt install ./docker-desktop*.deb
Authenticate with the User Admin Pass.