2. Downloading Maven
Download Apache Maven 3.x Binaries
3. Extracting Apache Maven
Now to Extract Apache Maven
Possibly Double-Click on Archive and Extract into /tmp:
Or from Shell:tar xvzf apache-maven*.tar.gz -C /tmp/
4. Setting up Java
Verify that JDK 8+ is Installed on System
javac -version
How to Install Recommended Oracle Java JDK on Slackware
5. Installing Apache Maven
Next Relocate Maven Binaries
(This is a System-wide Installation, for a Local one simply store it somewhere into the Home Folder)
Now to remove the Original Archive:rm ~/Downloads/apache-maven*bin.tar.gz
To set the SuperUser as Owner run:
sudo chown -R root:root ~/Downloads/apache-maven*
And then switch the Contents with:
sudo mv ~/Downloads/apache-maven** /opt/apache-maven-3
Again Add Maven Binaries to User Path
So to ammend the User Bash Config File:sudo su -c "echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/apache-maven-3/bin' >> ~/.bashrc"
Then to load the New PATH:
Finally, Test the Maven Installation:
mvn -v