GNU/Linux Solus Installing Maven 3.X – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install and Getting-Started with the Latest Apache Maven 3.x in Solus GNU/Linux Desktop.
Maven calls its build scripts Project Object Model (POM) files. These POM files are in XML, and each Maven project or module will have an accompanying pom.xml file.
A Project Management Tool such as Maven provides a Superset of features found in a Build Tool.
But in Addition to providing Build capabilities, Maven can also Run Reports, Generate a Website, and Managig Communication among members of a Working Team.
Finally, the Maven 3 SetUp require a Oracle Java JDK 8+ Installation on system, so eventually follow the included instructions for Solus.

1. Terminal Getting-Started
How to QuickStart with Command Line on Solus GNU/Linux: