GNU/Linux Arch Installing NVIDIA GeForce Rtx 4060/4070 Laptop Driver Guide
Hi! The tutorial provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on How to Install the NVIDIA GeForce Rtx 4060/4070 Laptop Graphics and GPU Driver in Arch GNU/Linux Desktop.
The NVIDIA GeForce Rtx 4060/4070 Laptop Driver Arch Setup is Simple and involves only the Execution of a few Basic Shell Commands.
Again with the nvidia-settings Tool you can configure Brightness, Gamma, XVideo attributes, Temperature, and OpenGL.
Finally, this Guide is Valid for All the Arch Linux Based Distros like:
- Manjaro
- CachyOS
- EndeavourOS
- Garuda
- ArcoLinux
- Archman
- Bluestar
- Archcraft
- ArchLabs
- ArchBang
- BlackArch
- Artix

1. Terminal Quick-Start
How to Quick-Start with Command Line on Arch Linux