How to Install GeForce GTX 1650 Driver on Ubuntu 24.04 – Step-by-step

March 20, 2024 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.


  1. 2. Installing GTX 1650 Driver

    Then Check for the Available NVIDIA Driver
    Simply run:

    sudo apt search nvidia-driver*

    Take Note of the Latest Driver Release EG: 550.
    But before Setting it up it’s recommended you Verify what is the Drivers Range to Support your Card on: NVIDIA Driver support Website!
    And when in doubt then see also How to Check NVIDIA Graphics Card Model Supported Drivers.
    Next to Install the latest Driver, for Instance do:

    sudo apt install nvidia-driver-550 nvidia-settings

    And in case of Issue try instead with the more powerful aptitude Package Installer.
    So first, to Install Aptitude run:

    sudo apt install aptitude

    And next try the Setup again playing:

    sudo aptitude install nvidia-driver-550 nvidia-settings

    Last, to Load your barely New Graphics Driver Reboot with:

    sudo reboot now


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