3. Installing Viber
Then to Install Viber for Debian
First, access the Download location by default with:
cd ~/Downloads
To Check it’s there List the contents with:
ls . | grep viber
The grep Command refine the output List showing only the Entries matching the Keyword.
But if you are in Trouble to Find it out on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.sudo apt install ./viber.deb
(Optional) Making a Viber Symlink to Launch it from Terminal:
sudo ln -s /opt/viber/Viber /usr/local/bin/viber
4. Launching
Finally, Launch & Enjoy Viber :)
To Launch it from Terminal:viber
Or simply Use the Desktop Launcher:
Possibly, If Not Launching then Fix Viber App Launcher.
sudo nano /usr/share/applications/viber.desktop
Change the Exec & Path as:
Exec=/opt/viber/Viber %u
Ctrl+x to Save & Exit from nano Editor.