Getting Started
5. Starting uTorrent Server
To Start uTorrent Server
Switch to the UTorrent location:cd /opt/utorrent
And to Launch UTorrent:
sudo ./utserver
6. Accessing uTorrent Web UI
uTorrent WebGui Connection on Browser (Tested on Chrome)
Browse on:
Default Access:
user name: ‘admin’.
pass: ”.
Then use the Web UI to Make Changes to uTorrent Settings.
7. Making Launcher
How to Create a uTorrent Launcher on Ubuntu Desktop
Then create a new .desktop file for the uTorrent Launcher with:
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/utorrent.desktop
And add the following content:
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=uTorrent Exec=/opt/utorrent/utserver Icon=/opt/utorrent/utorrent.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Network;FileTransfer;