How to Install Android Command Line Tools on Debian Gnu/Linux Distro
GNU/Linux Debian Installing Android Command Line Tools Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Download and Install Android SDK Command Line Tools in Debian GNU/Linux Desktops.
And the Android Command-Line Tools for Debian between the others provide the Utilities also to Setup the following components:
Android SDK Build Tools
Android NDK
Android Emulators
Especially relevant, for a complete Development Environment Setup you may see instead: How to Install Android Studio IDE Guide.
Finally, this Setup is valid for all the Debian-based Distros like:
- Kali
- MX Linux
- Deepin
- Parrot
- antiX
- SparkyLinux
- Q4OS
- Netrunner
- Voyager
- MakuluLinux
- Elive
- Parsix