How to Install Android Command Line Tools on Gnu/Linux Distros
GNU/Linux Installing Android Command Line Tools Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Download and Install Android SDK Command Line Tools in GNU/Linux Desktops.
And the Android Command-Line Tools for Linux between the others provide the Utilities also to Setup the following components:
- SDK Manager (sdkmanager): The SDK Manager is a command-line tool used to manage Android SDK packages and dependencies. Developers can use sdkmanager to install, update, and remove SDK components such as platform tools, system images, build tools, SDK platforms, and extras.
- Android Virtual Device Manager (avdmanager): AVD Manager is a command-line tool used to create, manage, and delete Android Virtual Devices (AVDs). Developers can use avdmanager to create custom AVDs with specific configurations such as target API level, screen resolution, RAM size, and more.
Especially relevant, for a complete Development Environment Setup you may see instead: How to Install Android Studio IDE Guide.