How to Install Hamsket on Gnu/Linux Distros
GNU/Linux Installing Hamsket Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Hamsket App in GNU/Linux 64-bit Desktops.
And Hamsket for Linux is an Amazing Free and Open-source Electron based Desktop App for Online Services like WhatsApp, Threema, Telegram, Google and several others.
Hamsket is based on a Fork of the original Rambox Freemium App.
Moreover, Hamsket dispose currently of 95 Services with these Features:
- Multi-language.
- Sync your configuration between multiple computers.
- Master Password.
- Lock Hamsket if you will be away for a period of time.
- Don’t disturb mode.
- Reorder applications in the tab bar.
- Notification badge in the tab.
- Minimize to tray.
- Mute audio to specific service.
- Separate tabs floating to the right.
- Disable a service instead of remove it.
- Start automatically on system startup.
- Custom Javascript injection.
- Custom CSS injection.
- Keyboard Shortcuts.
- Proxy.
- Passive mouse/touch event listeners by default.
- Lowered timer granularity to save CPU time by default.
- No user tracking.
- Fully open source, won’t change
- Highly responsive to issues, PRs, and help.
- Offline backup and restore.