How to Install NetGear A6210 Driver on Ubuntu Gnu/Linux Distro
GNU/Linux Ubuntu NetGear A6210 Wifi Driver Setup – Step-by-step Guide
Hi! The linked Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install NetGear A6210 AC1200 Wireless Driver for Ubuntu GNU/Linux Distribution.
And the Netgear A6210 Driver for Ubuntu should be supported by the MediaTek mt76 Kernel Module.
Especially relevant: this Driver is supplied from Linux 4.19 but some important Connection Issues has been fixed only starting from the 5.4.1 Kernel release.
Again some of the Latest MediaTek Chipsets are supported only in a range of New Kernels. So Check the List here below for more insight!
Finally, this Setup is valid for all the Ubuntu-based Distros like:
- Linux Mint
- Zorin OS
- Lubuntu
- Elementary OS
- Kde Neon
- Pop_OS!
- Xubuntu
- Linux Lite
- Bodhi
- Puppy
- Kubuntu
- Trisquel
- Voyager Ubuntu
- feren OS
- Peppermint
- Linux Ultimate Edition (You may just need to Discover what’s the Parent Release)