How to Install Plex Media Player on Ubuntu Gnu/Linux Distro
GNU/Linux Ubuntu Installing PLEX Media Player Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Download and Install Plex Media Player in Ubuntu GNU/Linux Desktops.
And Plex for Ubuntu is a digital Media Server and Organizational tool that allows you to access the Music, Pictures, and Videos stored on one Computer with any other Computer or compatible Mobile Device.
From Personal Media on your own Server, to Podcasts, Web Shows, and News, to streaming Music, you can enjoy it all in one App, on any Device.
Finally, this Setup is valid for all the Ubuntu-based Distros like:
- Linux Mint
- Zorin OS
- Lubuntu
- Elementary OS
- Kde Neon
- Pop_OS!
- Xubuntu
- Linux Lite
- Bodhi
- Puppy
- Kubuntu
- Trisquel
- Voyager Ubuntu
- feren OS
- Peppermint
- Linux Ultimate Edition (You may just need to Discover what’s the Parent Release)