How to Install Realtek Rtl8125/rtl8125B Driver for Ubuntu Gnu/Linux Distro
GNU/Linux Ubuntu Realtek rtl8125/rtl8125B(S) Driver Setup Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Realtek rtl8125/rtl8125B(S) Ethernet PCI Controller Driver for Ubuntu GNU/Linux Distribution.
Moreover, this Realtek r8168 Driver Ubuntu Setup should support the following PCI Express 10/100/1000M Gigabit Ethernet Adapters:
- RTL8125
- RTL8125B(S)
Please be aware of how this Driver is Not supporting all the Linux Kernels range, so in case of issue consult the available Online Documentation.
So as a possible Solution, then you may also see: How to Install New Kernel Guide.
Again, in case of Issue for preventing any possible Driver loading Interference you should also take into account: How to Blacklist Kernel Modules.
Finally, this Setup is valid for all the Ubuntu-based Distros like:
- Linux Mint
- Zorin OS
- Lubuntu
- Elementary OS
- Kde Neon
- Pop_OS!
- Xubuntu
- Linux Lite
- Bodhi
- Puppy
- Kubuntu
- Trisquel
- Voyager Ubuntu
- feren OS
- Peppermint
- Linux Ultimate Edition (You may just need to Discover what’s the Parent Release)