How to Install Realtek RTL8188CE Driver on CentOS Gnu/Linux Distro
GNU/Linux CentOS Realtek RTL8188CE Driver Source Setup – Step-by-step Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Realtek RTL8188CE WiFi/Bluetooth Wireless Driver from Source Code in CentOS GNU/Linux Distribution.
And this Realtek RTL8188CE Driver in CentOS Fixes some well known Issues and so:
- It has been modified to allow you to transmit at up to 33 dBm instead of the stock driver hard limit of 20 dBm, regardless of your CRDA regulatory domain. This is a substantial increase in capability because every 3 dB increase is equivalent to a doubling of the power. IOW, you can pump out 4x more Tx power than before. This is subject to CRDA restrictions however (though you can set that to whatever you want, just make sure you’re staying legal)
- It has a few default settings that generally increase stability
- Some helpful fixes are backported from newer kernels so that they can be enjoyed without upgrading the entire kernel (very useful for staying on your distros current kernel while benefitting from fixes relating to this driver)
Again this Driver may be functioning also for all the following Realtek Chipsets:
- RTL8188CE/RTL8188EE
- RTL8191SE
- RTL8192CE/RTL8192DE/RTL8192SE
- RTL8723AE
As suggested from the Realtek Driver Support.