How to Install Realtek Rtl8812BU Driver Offline on Mint Gnu/Linux Distro
GNU/Linux Mint Realtek rtl8812BU Offline Driver Setup – Step-by-step Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Realtek rtl8812BU Wireless Driver without Internet in Mint GNU/Linux Desktops.
Most noteworthy: to achieve this Setup you simply need any Online Computer with a Browser and a USB Stick to Copy the downloaded Packages.
But if you dispose of an Android Mobile Phone with Internet Acces, then an Easier Solution should be of using it! See: Internet Connection USB Tethering Guide.
And this Linux Mint Realtek rtl8812BU Driver could be supporting all the rtl88x2BU Chipset equipped Devices, as for instance the rtl8822BU one.
Moreover, this Realtek rtl88x2BU Driver Mint Setup should be working also after a Kernel Upgrade with the Dkms integration.
This Realtek rtl88x2BU Driver has been successfully tested with a Linux Kernel 4.4+.
And following the Realtek Driver Suppor Documentation it may be working also for all the following Chipsets:
- rtl8192EU
- rtl8811AU
- rtl8811CU
- rtl8812AU
- rtl8812BU
- rtl8814AU
- rtl8822BU
Please be aware of how this Driver is Not supporting all the Linux Kernels range, so in case of issue consult the available Online Documentation.
So as a possible Solution, then you may also see: How to Install New Kernel Guide.
Again, in case of Issue for preventing any possible Driver loading Interference you should also take into account: How to Blacklist Kernel Modules.