GNU/Linux Arch Installing D-Link DWA-131 C1/E1 Wifi/Bluetooth Driver Guide
Hi! The linked Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install D-Link DWA-131 C1/E1 Wireless N Nano USB Adapter Driver in Arch GNU/Linux Desktop.
And the Arch Linux D-Link DWA-131 C1/E1 Wireless Driver Setup is based on the Realtek rtl8192EU Chipset Driver Installation.
Especially relevant, if you are Unsure about your Wifi Device Chipset then see: How to Get Wireless Adapter Info on GNU/Linux.
Finally, this Setup is valid for all the Arch Linux Based Distros like:
- Manjaro
- CachyOS
- EndeavourOS
- Garuda
- ArcoLinux
- Archman
- Bluestar
- Archcraft
- ArchLabs
- ArchBang
- BlackArch
- Artix

GNU/Linux Arch D-Link DWA-131 C1/E1 Driver Setup Guide
See: Realtek rtl8192EU Linux Driver Installation
Last, in case of Issue you may see: How to Update Linux Firmware!