Google-Cloud Compute Engine Debian Instance Enabling SSH Terminal Connection Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Easy Guide

January 5, 2015 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Grant SSH Access to Google Compute Engine Debian Instance on macOS

The Unix Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Enable SSH Access to Google-Cloud Compute Engine Debian Instance on Terminal Console for macOS 10.10 Yosemite BSD/Unix.

Google Cloud Platform is a set of modular cloud-based services that allow you to create anything from simple websites to complex applications.

Enabling Terminal Console SSH Access to Google-Cloud Debian Instance on macOS - Featured
  1. Open a Command Line Shell Session
    Applications > Utilities > Terminal
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    Mac OS X Enabling SSH Access to Google-Cloud Debian Instance - Open Terminal

    In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.

  2. Generate a SSH Keys Pair on Terminal:

    How to SSH Keys Pair
  3. Copying the SSH Public Key.

    cat $HOME/.ssh/

    Copy the Entire Output without Trailing Spaces…
    Select and Ctrl+Shift+C to Copy on Terminal :)

  4. Access the Google Developers Console on Browser.
  5. Open a Browser Shell Console Window.

    Enabling Google-Cloud Instance SSH Access on macOS - Open Shell Console Window
  6. On Google-Cloud Browser Instance Console Paste in the Key.

    nano $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys

    Paste the Copied Content
    Ctrl+x to Save & Exit from nano Editor :)

  7. Then to Connect to Debian Instance is as Simple as.

    ssh [MYUSER@MYIP]


    ssh tom@

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