If you want to Obtain a Google Search Result than isn’t Influenced by any Personal Preferences, I mean you want to Perform a Depersonalized Search.
You need to insert the Parameter:
on your Google Query URL.
So if in your Browser bar the Google URL look like “http://www.google.com/” you need to:
Add “?psw=0” to the URL -> http://www.google.com/?psw=0
Reload your Page
Make your Depersonalized Search
The “?” come from the following Google Query Parameters Syntax:
The First Google Parameter Must be Preceded by a href=”?“
The Following ones, I mean the second… Must be Preceded by a href=”&“
If in your Google URL there are already some other parameters you will need to Add: “&psw;=0” instead of “?psw=0”
So for a Depersonalized Search without Auto-complete your URL Address shoud look something like: http://www.google.com/?autocomplete=0&psw;=0
If you Need to Perform Often this kind of Depersonalized Searching it’s Best to make a Bookmark