The Guide Presents a Quick Start with Html Development on ActiveState Komodo Edit 12.x.
ActiveState Komodo Edit 12.x is a Free Multi-Featured Rich Editor for: PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Perl, Tcl, XML, HTML 5 and CSS 3.
It Disposes Out-of-the-Box of an Enabled Code-Intelligence with Nice Auto-Completion and Easy Snippets.
The Tutorial is Just an How to Make the First, Steps for a First-Time User on ActiveState Komodo Edit Platform for Html Development.
On the Article Bottom you Find Link to Guides on How to Easy Install the Komodo Edit IDE on Linux Distros.
And this Visual Guide includes the Basic Screenshots of All GUI Steps involved.
The content and details are expressly reduced to give Focus only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands and Make the Tut Easier to Understand ;)

Create a New-File
To Enable the Html Language Syntax Execute one of two:
Set Language to Html Drop-Down on Bottom-Left
Save the file with .html Extension
Enable the Html Snippets Toolbox
Open the Sidebar Toolbox.
Views >> Tabs & SideBars >> Toolbox.
The Sidebar Toolbox Contains Several Html Tags Snippets that are Very Useful to Speed-Up your Html Development on Komodo Edit.
You Find Two Html Snippets Sections in the Toolbox
Samples > Html.
Samples > Abbreviations > HTML-common.
To Surround a Block by Tags
- Select the Content Section
- Double-Click on Tag into the Toolbox
Code Completion and Suggestion are Enabled by Default
is Enough to Start Coding in Html to Find All IDE Facilitations at your Complete Disposal.
So Let’s Go Coding Now!
How to Easy-Install the Komodo Edit IDE on Linux
How to Install Evernote on Linux Distros:
Get Installed Google-Chrome Web Browser for Linux: