How to Install Latest Firefox 64-bit for Linux Sabayon 10 Amd64 Gnome3 Desktop Easy Visual-Guide

October 22, 2012 | By Duchateaux.

How to Install the Latest Firefox Sabayon 10

This Guide shows you Step-by-Step How to Install the Latest Firefox x8664 on Linux Sabayon 10 64-bit GNOME3 Desktop.

So to make easier the Visualization of the whole process the Guide includes the essential Screenshots.

Inside you find also detailed instructions about How to Create a Launcher for Firefox Browser on Sabayon GNOME 3 Desktop.

Firefox on Sabayon
  1. Download Latest Firefox x8664 for Linux:

    Firefox x8664 tar.bz2
  2. Double-Click on Firefox Archive and Extract Into /tmp
    Install Firefox on Debian 7 GNOME Extract

  3. Open Terminal Window
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    Fedora Linux16-17 GNOME 3 Open Terminal

    In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.

  4. Relocate Firefox Directory

    Login as SuperUser.


    If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo

    Make a Firefox Directory.

    mkdir /opt/firefox

    Move Firefox Into Latest so to Prepare for a Possible Firefox Nightlies Installation

    sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/firefox && mv /tmp/firefox /opt/firefox/latest

    Make a Firefox-Latest Symlink for Easy-Starting.

    ln -s /opt/firefox/latest/firefox /usr/bin/firefox-latest

    Next you Can Start Firefox from Terminal with

  5. Create a Launcher for Easy-Starting:

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