$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

How to Install Arch-Linux 2012/2013 X86_64 KDE Desktop in Easy Steps

December 7, 2012 | By Duchateaux.

Install Arch-Linux 2012/2013 KDE in Easy Steps

The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Arch-Linux 2012/2013 and Current 64-bit KDE4 Desktop.

The Steps About Getting and Burning the Arch-Linux ISO Media are Skipped.

All Steps are Simply & Dirty Delineated For Sake of Clarity so Do Not Take Into Account the Extra Choices and Customizations to Make Clearer & Easier the Process.

So if you Have Some Doubt or Need Some More Insight you Should Consult the Official Arch-Linux Documentation…

Just Relax & Take the Time of Carefully Reading and Executing the Instructions for Easy Installing Arch-Linux KDE Desktop and All should Work Like a Summer Breeze :)

Install Arch-Linux 2012/2013 KDE in Easy Steps - Featured
  1. Boot from Arch-Linux 2012/2013 Dual DVD

    Select Boot Arch Linux x8664.

    Install Arch-Linux 2012/2013 KDE in Easy Steps - Arch-Linux 2012/2013 Dual DVD x8664 Booting
  2. Select the Installation Keyboard Layout

    (Necessary Only for Non-US Layouts).


    loadkeys fr
  3. Disk Partitioning

    fdisk /dev/sda

    Here I Suppose you Make a First, Partition for Swap a Second One for Root and Third One for Home.

    Here is the Detailed Guide for Partitioning with fdisk:

    fdisk Partitioning Getting-Started
  4. Formatting Partitions

    Formatting Root and Home.

    mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda2
    mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda3

    Setting and Enabling Swap.

    mkswap /dev/sda1
    swapon /dev/sda1
  5. Mounting Partitions

    mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
    mkdir /mnt/home
    mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/home

  6. Installing Base-System

    pacstrap /mnt base base-devel

  7. Generate a fstab File.

    genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
  8. Chrooting into System.

    arch-chroot /mnt
  9. Set Hostname.

    nano /etc/hostname



    Ctrl+x to Save & Exit :)

    Replicate into /etc/hosts:

    nano /etc/hosts

    Adding to the End of Lines Containing localhost:

  10. Set Local-Time:

    ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime

    (For a Complete List #ls /usr/share/zoneinfo//).

  11. Generate the System Language-Character Set

    Enable the Needed Locale Language/Character-Set.

    nano /etc/locale.gen

    Uncomment (example):

    en_US UTF-8 UTF-8

    Set the Sistem-Wide Language/Character-Set.

    nano /etc/locale.conf



    Then Generate the Locale Language/Character-Set.

  12. Set the Installed Keyboard Layout

    nano /etc/vconsole.conf

    Inserting (example):


    (Look-for disposables Keymaps in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/layout).

  13. Set the Root Password


  14. Generate Initial Ramdisk

    Possibly Edit the /etc/mkinitcpio.conf According to System Hardware.

    mkinitcpio -p linux
  15. Install GRUB2 Bootloader Into System.

  16. Unmount & Reboot

    Exit from Chroot Environment.



    umount /mnt/home
    umount /mnt


  17. Login as root

  18. Add Normal User

    useradd spirit -d /home/spirit
    passwd spirit
    mkdir /home/spirit
    chown spirit:spirit /home/spirit

  19. Installing the KDE4 Desktop on Arch-Linux 2012/2013 x8664:

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