$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

Linux Lubuntu How to Install PHP 5 Pecl Uploadprogress Easy Visual Guide

July 12, 2013 | By Duchateaux.

Installing PHP Pecl Uploadprogress on Lubuntu

This Short Guide shows you Step-by-Step How to Install and Enable the Latest PHP Pecl Uploadprogress Module for Linux Lubuntu i386/amd64 Desktop.

The Best Way to Install the Uploadprogress Module is to Provide Directly to Download, Compile and Install the Latest Pecl Uploadprogress Release.

Finally, to the article Bottom there is a Link to Enabling pecl command and to Uploadprogress Installation Troubleshooting on Linux Lubuntu.

Installing PHP Pecl Uploadprogress on Lubuntu - Featured
  1. How to Install/Enable Pecl Command on Linux Lubuntu

    PHP PECL for Lubuntu
  2. Open Terminal Window
    Lubuntu Raring Open Terminal

  3. Download the PHP Pecl Uploadprogress Module

    Latest Pecl Uploadprogress
  4. Installing Uploadprogress:

    tar xvzf uploadprogress*.tar.gz
    cd uploadprogress*/
    make install
    make test
  5. Enabling the PHP uploadprogress Module:

    nano </path/2>/php.ini
    Linux How to Easy Locate/Search/Find Files/Directories/Paths on Command Line:

    Insert or UnComment a Line Containing:


    Ctrl+x to Save & Exit.

  6. ReStart Apache to Load the Uploadprogress Module:

    service apache2 restart

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