HTML5 Boilerplate Getting Started on Ubuntu Gnu/Linux

December 3, 2013 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

HTML5 Boilerplate Getting Started Ubuntu

The Tutorial shows you How to Getting-Started with HTML5 Boilerplate Development on Ubuntu GNU/Linux.

And HTML5 Boilerplate for Ubuntu assembles the Best Tools for you to Get Started with your Next Web Development Project.

So that HTML5 Boilerplate comes with a set of files that make it easy to do cross-browser

Finally, to the BoilerPlate Getting-Started on Ubuntu Bottom you will find Link to Learning HTML5 BoilerPlate Development by Example Docs.

Ubuntu Boilerplate Getting-Started - Featured
  1. How to Install HTML5 Boilerplate on Ubuntu Linux

    Boilerplate Installation Ubuntu
  2. Open Terminal Window
    Ctrl+Alt+t on desktop
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    Sass Ubuntu Install Getting-Started - Open Terminal

    In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.

  3. Download HTML5 BoilerPlate Create Project Script:

    BoilerPlate Create Project Script
  4. Create a BoilerPlate Html5 Site/Project.

    cd html5-boilerplate
    sudo mv ~/Downloads/ .
    sudo chmod +x MYPROJECT
  5. Testing BoilerPlate Site Locally.

    Start Python Testing Server:

    sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer

    Access Site on Browser on:


  6. Learning HTML5 Boilerplate by Examples:

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