Install JDeveloper 12c Studio on Debian 5-6-7-8 Linux
The Guide shows you How to Install JDeveloper 12c Studio for Debian 5-Lenny/6-Squeeze/7-Wheezy/8-Jessie GNU/Linux Desktop.
Oracle JDeveloper is a Free integrated development environment that simplifies the development of Java GUI, Java-based SOA and Java EE Applications.
JDeveloper offers complete end-to-end development to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Fusion Applications with support for the full development life cycle.
There are No Requirements because the Oracle JDK is already Included on the JDeveloper 12c Suite.

Download Oracle JDeveloper 12c Studio Edition for Linux.
Open a Terminal Window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands).Cmd/Win & Search for “term”
In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.
Start JDeveloper Studio Installer.
chmod +x jdev_suite*.bin
Installing JDeveloper Studio 12c on Debian.
If Not already There then Set the Local Oracle Inventory Directory.
Then Set the Local Oracle Studio Installation Directory.
Ignore contingent Requisites Warnings.
Start Installation.
Oracle 12c Studio Successfully Installed on Debian.
How to Create a JDeveloper Desktop Launcher.
Getting-Started with Oracle JDeveloper 12c on Linux.