Tomcat 8 Quick Deployment Guide on Linux/Unix
The Guide Presents a Quick Guide to Deployment on Apache Tomcat 8 Server for Linux/Unix.
Apache Tomcat is the Most Diffused Open-Source Servlet Container for Java JEE Web Development.
The Apache Tomcat 8 is Java EE 7 Compliant with this New Features:
- Support for Java Servlet 3.1, JavaServer Pages 2.3, Java Unified Expression Language 3.0 and Java WebSocket 1.0.
- The default connector implementation is now the Java non-blocking implementation (NIO) for both HTTP and AJP.
- A new resources implementation that replaces Aliases, VirtualLoader, VirtualDirContext, JAR resources and external repositories with a single, consistent approach for configuring additional web application resources.
The Procedure Start from an Exploded Servlet Tree to Easy Deploying by the App Manager on Tomcat 8.
Finally, the guide includes instructions on How to Make a Servlet Hello World on Eclipse JEE IDE.

How to Make a Java Servlet & JSP Hello World on Eclipse
Open Terminal Window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands). -
Compress the Servlet Directory.
cd </path/2>/myServlet
jar -cvf MyServlet.war *
How to Enable Manager Apps for Tomcat 8
Browser and Deploy MyServlet.war on Tomcat Manager App.
Learning Servlet and JSP Development