$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

Jenkins Continue Integration Server First Configuration Linux Easy Visual-Guide

May 11, 2014 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Jenkins CI Server Configuration for Linux

Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Configure Jenkins Continue Integration Server on Linux Desktops/Servers.

In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the Leading Open-source Continuous Integration Server.

Built with Java, it provides 922 plugins to support building and testing virtually any project.

To the Jenkins Server Configuration Tutorial for Linux Bottom you find Link to Guide for Getting-Started with Jenkins on.

Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Featured

  1. Access Jenkins CI Server Backend on Browser:

  2. Select Manage Jenkins:

    Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Manage Jenkins

  3. Select Configure System:

    Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Configure System

  4. Add Oracle Java JDK Installation:

    Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Add Oracle Java JDK

    How to Download and Install Oracle JDK 6/7/8 on Linux

    Install Oracle JDK 6-7-8 for Linux

    Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Set JDK Home

  5. Add Apache Ant Installation:

    Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Add Apache Ant

    How to Install Apache Ant on GNU/Linux Distributions.

    Install Ant on Linux

    Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Set Ant Home

  6. Add Apache Maven Installation:

    Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Add Apache Maven

    How to Install the Latest Apache Maven on Linux:

    Install Maven 3.X for Linux

    Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Set Maven Home

  7. Open a Command Line Terminal Window
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands).

  8. Check/Install Git:

    which git

    Getting-Started with Git VCS on Linux

    Git Quick Start for Linux
  9. Add Git Jenkins Plugin Integration:

    Come Back to Previous Config Page and Select Manage Plugins.

    Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Select Browser Install Plugin

    Search and Install the Jenkins Git Plugin.

    Jenkins CI Server Configuration - Install Git Plugin

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