Running Compiz on Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Run Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet GNU+Linux Unity with Compiz Effects Integration.
Compiz is a compositing manager, which means that it Enhances the overall User Interaction by adding Fancy Effects from your windows to awesome desktop effects like the Desktop Cube or the Expo view.
The Compiz Integration with the Unity Desktop is Reached by Enabling the Unity Desktop Compiz Plugin on the CompizConfig Settings Manager.
How to Install Ubuntu Mate Desktop
On Log-In Screen Switch to Mate Desktop. -
Open ConfigCompiz Settings
On Mate: Apps > System > Effects > ConfigCompiz Settings -
Check that Mate Compatibility is Enabled.
Enable the Unity Compiz Plugin
On the “Desktop” Layer. -
Open Mate Control Center
On Mate Tweak > Windows: Set Compiz a the Window Manager! -
On Log-In Screen you can Choose between Mate & Unity both Compiz Powered ;)
On the Unity Desktop to Switch to Compiz Window Manager Run this Command:compiz --replace