How to Quick-Start With Neo4J Database on CentOS/Red-Hat/Oracle Gnu/Linux Easy Guide

June 9, 2015 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Neo4J Quick Start for CentOS/RHEL/OEL 32/64-bit

Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install and Getting-Started with the Neo4J Database Community Edition on CentOS/Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux/Oracle-Enterprise-Linux 6.x/7.x/8.x i686/x8664 GNU+Linux Desktop/Server.

The Neo4J Database is Entirely Based on Java and the Installation CentOS Require the Oracle Java JDK 8+.

Neo4J Graph Database can be considered as Special purpose NoSQL database Optimized for Relation-heavy Data.

The one advantage that Neo4J Database have is easy representation, retrieval and manipulation of relationships between the entities in the system.

Here is Described a System-Wide Setup, for a Local One Simply Change Paths Consequently…

Install Neo4J for CentOS - Featured
  1. Open a Shell session
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    Neo4J DB Quick Start CentOS/RHEL/OEL - Open Terminal

    In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.
    Or Login into the Server Shell.

  2. Download Latest Neo4J Community Edition for Linux.

    Neo4J for Linux tar.gz
  3. Double-Click on the tar.gz Archive and Extract into /tmp.

    Neo4J tar.gz Extraction Path
    Or from Command Line:

    tar xvzf $HOME/Downloads/neo4j*.tar.gz -C /tmp/
  4. Relocate Neo4J Folder.

    sudo su

    If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo

    mv /tmp/neo4j* /opt/
  5. How to Install Required Oracle Java JDK on CentOS

    Installing Oracle JDK for CentOS
  6. Creating the neo4j User.

    useradd neo4j

    Set User Pass:

    passwd neo4j
  7. Start-Stop the Neo4J Database Server.

    cd /opt/neo4j*

    Starting Neo4J Server:

    su neo4j
    ./bin/neo4j console

    Stopping Neo4J Server:

  8. Getting-Started with Neo4J Database on Linux

    Neo4J Quick Start Guide
  9. Install Neo4J for Mac 10.9 CentOS 32/64-bit - Neo4J on Browser

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