Getting Started With ActiveMQ for JMS on Oracle Linux Easy Guide

April 13, 2017 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

JMS Quick Start on Oracle Linux

The JMS Tutorial Show How to Getting-Started with ActiveMQ for Java Message Service Development on Oracle Enterprise Linux.

As Pre-Requisite for Apache ActiveMQ is the Oracle Java SE JDK 6+ Installation on Oracle Linux.

Some ActiveMQ Framework Features:

  • Fully JMS Compliant
  • Connectivity (Wide range of Connectivity Options with protocols: Http/s, IP multicast, STOMP, TCP, UDP, XMPP)
  • Pluggable persistence and security
  • Building messaging applications with Java
  • Integration with application servers (Apache Tomcat, Jetty, Apache Geronimo, JBoss)
  • Client APIs (C/C++, .NET,Perl,Python,Ruby and more)
  • Broker clustering (Many ActiveMQ brokers can work together as a network of brokers for scalability purposes)
  • Dramatically simplified administration
How to Install Oracle JDK 21 on Ubuntu 24.04 – Step-by-step
  1. Get Installed Apache ActiveMQ on Oracle Linux

    Installing ActiveMQ for Oracle
  2. Open a Shell Session
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    Apache ActiveMQ Quick Start for Oracle Linux - GNOME3 Open Terminal

    In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.

  3. Starting ActiveMQ Console:

    su -c "/opt/apache-activemq*/bin/activemq console"
  4. Then Open another Terminal Tab:

  5. Install Apache Ant:

    apt-get install ant
  6. Start First, Example:

    cd /opt/apache-activemq*/example
    ant consumer

    The command compiles the Java examples and starts up a simple JMS consumer. As
    you can see from the output, this consumer is:

    • Connecting to the broker using the TCP protocol (tcp://localhost:61616)
    • Watching a queue named TEST.FOO
    • Using nondurable subscription
    • Waiting to receive 2000 messages before shutting down

    Basically, the JMS consumer is connected to ActiveMQ and waiting for messages. Now
    you can send some messages to the TEST.FOO destination.

  7. Open a third Terminal Tab:

  8. Start Second Example:

    cd /opt/apache-activemq*/example
    ant producer

    Although the output has been truncated for readability, the command starts up a simple
    JMS producer and you can see from the output that it:

    • Connects to the broker using the TCP connector (tcp://localhost:61616)
    • Publishes messages to a queue named TEST.FOO
    • Uses nonpersistent messages
    • Doesn’t sleep between publishing messages

    Once the JMS producer is connected, it then sends 2,000 messages and shuts down.