$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

How to Install Google-Chrome on Parrot Gnu/Linux

December 22, 2017 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.


  1. 2. Downloading Chrome

    Download Google-Chrome Stable for Linux

    Google-Chrome .deb 64-bit
  2. 3. Installing GDebi

    Then Checking/Installing GDebi Package Installer
    To Check:

    which gdebi

    If Not there then:

    sudo apt install gdebi gdebi-core

    If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo

  3. 4. Installing Chrome

    Now to Install Google-Chrome Web Browser
    Simply run:

    su -c "gdebi ~/Downloads/google-chrome*.deb"
  4. Finally, Launch & Enjoy Google-Chrome on Parrot ;)

  5. How to Install Evernote Linux Clone on Parrot OS Home/Security Linux:
    How to Install Evernote Clone on Parrot OS Home/Security Linux Distro.

  6. 5. Launching

    Finally, Run & Enjoy Google-Chrome on Parrot.

    How to Install Chrome Parrot Linux - Chrome Browser
