Installing Debian Stretch 9 on Windows 8 PC
The Visual-Guide shows you Step-by-Step How to Easy Installing a Linux Debian 9 Stretch Desktop Alongside Windows 8 Pre-Installed/Uefi Firmware.
The First, Needed Step Consists in Disabling the New Windows 8 Secure Boot that Impedes the Boot from Installation Media CD/DVD.
The Initial Pre-Installation Step of Preparing the Installation Media CD/DVD for Installation is Included if you Need Consult the Online Documentation.
Finally, to the article Bottom you Find also As a Bonus Link to How to Create an App Launcher on Linux Debian Desktops.
How to Free Up Space for Linux Installation Disk
How to Burn Debian Installation Media to CD/DVD
Win8 Disable Secure Boot and Enable Booting from CD/DVD
Boot from Debian Installation Media.
Then Choose Graphical Install.
Select a Language
Select the Location
Configure the Keyboard
Configure the Network
Set “localhost” as Hostname:And “localdomain as Domain Name:
Set Up the root SuperUser Password
Take Note of it! -
Make a New User
Give a Full Name:Then the Username:
And the User Pass:
Take Note of it too… -
Configure the Clock Time Zone
Disk Partitioning
So choose “Manual” and follow the linked Guide:Debian Buster Manual Partitioning Guide
Configure the Package Manager
Continue if you have not any DVD to scan:Pick an Apt Mirror Country:
Then a Debian Mirror (It doesn’t matter so much and then ):
If any proxy then enter the url:
Choose if Partecipating to the Popularity Contest
Select the Software & Desktop to Install
This is the Most Important Choice!You have many choices but if you are a Beginner just take the Default…
Install the GRUB Boot Loader
Continue with the proposed:Confirm for Installation:
Then you are Done!
Restart the PC
Hit Enter on GRUB Spash Screen
Login with the User Pass
Enjoy an Amazing Debian Experience! :)