Install PlayOnLinux Slackware
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install PlayOnLinux for Slackware GNU/Linux Desktop.
And PlayOnLinux for SparkyLinux is a Piece of Software which allows you to Easily Install and Use numerous Games and Apps designed to run with Microsoft Windows.
Because Few Games are Compatible with GNU/Linux at the moment and it certainly is a Factor Preventing the Migration to this System. PlayOnLinux brings a Cost-Free, Accessible and Efficient Solution to this problem.
Especially Relevant: the Process it’s quite Tricky so Relax and Take it Easy.
Finally, on the Download Page Check and Install All the Dependencies following the Same Way as for PlayOnLinux.
1. Launching Terminal
Open a Terminal window
Ctrl+Alt+t on Desktop
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands) -
2. Downloading PlayOnLinux Slackbuild
Download PlayOnLinux Slackbuild+Source for Slackware
3. Extracting PlayOnLinux Slackbuild
Then Extract Slackbuild into /tmp
Possibly on File Manager Double-Click on PackageOr from Command Line:
tar xvzf ~/Downloads/playonlinux.tar.gz
4. Relocating PlayOnLinux Source
Next Move Source into Slackbuild.
mv ~/Downloads/PlayOnLinux*.tar.gz /tmp/playonlinux/
The Package could be located otherwise into the /tmp/mozilla* Directory.
5. Building PlayOnLinux Slackware Package
Now to Build PlayOnLinux Package
First, Access the Target Directory:cd /tmp/PlayOnLinux
Possibly Give Execution Permission:
chmod +x PlayOnLinux.SlackBuild
Run the Build Script:
sudo ./PlayOnLinux.SlackBuild
6. Installing PlayOnLinux Package
Finally, to Install PlayOnLinux Package.
sudo su
upgradepkg --install-new ../PlayOnLinux*.tgz
So Now I’m truly Happy if My Guide could Help you to Install PlayOnLinux on Slackware!