2. Launching VeraCrypt
Now Launch VeraCrypt GUI
From Shell simply with:veracrypt
Or Use the Launcher:
3. Starting Encryption
So to Start Encrypting Volume
First, simply Choose :4. Selecting Encryption Type
Then Select the ‘Create an encrypted file container‘ checkbox:
But instead if you intend to Encrypt Disk with Data then Choose ‘Create a volume within a partition/device’…
And5. Selecting Volume Type
Now Choose between a ‘Standard VeraCrypt volume‘ and ‘Hidden VeraCrypt volume‘:
6. Setting Up File
Follow to ‘Select File‘:
Set the Location and Name for the File:
And the Free Space on the Target will the Maximum Volume Size…And Click on
7. Selecting Encryption Options
Now potentially Choose of simply Confirm Algorithm & Hash:
8. Setting Up Dimension
Next Setup the Volume Size.
9. Setting Up Password
Follow to Setup the Encryption Password:
Advantages of Using Keyfiles.And
10. Formatting Type
Again select the Filesystem type:
11. Formatting Device
Finally, to Format Disk
First, generate the Randomness:
Keep Moving your Mouse inside the Window until doneAnd Click on to Start for Encryption:
Wait until it’s Done!
12. Mounting Device
Next to Mount VeraCrypt Volume/Device/Disk
:Enter the Pass:
And :
Again you can Setup for Auto-Mounting Devices on VeraCrypt Start:
Finally, you can use GParted to Format a VeraCrypt Mounted drive at any Time…
So Now I’m truly Happy if this Info could Help you to Encrypt Disk on Ubuntu!