$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

Pycharm Getting Started Guide for Gnu/Linux Systems

July 9, 2019 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Linux PyCharm Getting Started Guide

Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Get Started with PyCharm Community Edition IDE with Hello-World Example on GNU/Linux Desktops.

And PyCharm for Linux is a Python IDE with Complete Set of Tools for Python development. In Addition, the IDE provides capabilities for Professional Web Development using the Django Framework.

And the PyCharm Community Edition Features are:

  • Lightweight IDE for Python development
  • Free, Open-Source, Apache 2 license
  • Intelligent Editor, Debugger, Refactorings, Inspections, VCS integration
  • Project Navigation, Testing support, Customizable UI, Vim key bindings
Pycharm Getting Started Guide for GNU/Linux Systems - Featured
  1. 1. Installing PyCharm

    How to Install PyCharm on GNU/Linux

    Here PyCharm Installation Guide
    How to Install PyCharm on GNU/Linux Systems
  2. 2. Launching PyCharm

    Then Start PyCharm IDE.

  3. 3. Making Project

    Next Make a New Project.

    New Project

    Put it a Name
    And furthermore, potentially Set a Custom Virtual Environment… For Conda follow the Linked Instructions here below.


    How to Install Anaconda Python on Linux

    Here Anaconda Python Setup Linux
    Links to Installation Guide for Anaconda Python on GNU/Linux
  4. 4. Making New File

    Now Create a New File
    Right-Click on the Project > New > File

    New File

    Set a Name as ‘helloWorld.py’:

  5. 5. Running Hello World

    Again, Enter a Content
    Like for example:

    print ("Hello, World!")

    Finally, to Run the Example
    Right-Click on File & Run:


    And you’ll see ‘Hello World’ as Output on the ebedded terminal:
