2. Installing AUR Package Manager
How to Install Yay for Manjaro GNU/Linux
3. Installing Chrome
Then to Install Google-Chrome in Manjaro.
Simply run:
yay -Sy --noconfirm google-chrome-dev
On Prompt try simply to Hit “Enter” and follow with the Default Choices.
Tags: Chrome Developer Edition Install Manjaro 20, Chrome Developer Edition Install Manjaro Linux, Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro 20, Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro 20 Install, Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro 20 Installation, Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro 20 Setup, Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro Linux, Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro Linux Install, Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro Linux Installation, Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro Linux Setup, Chrome Install Manjaro, Chrome Install Manjaro 20, Chrome Install Manjaro Linux, Chrome Manjaro, Chrome Manjaro 20, Chrome Manjaro 20 Install, Chrome Manjaro 20 Installation, Chrome Manjaro 20 Setup, Chrome Manjaro Install, Chrome Manjaro Installation, Chrome Manjaro Linux, Chrome Manjaro Linux Install, Chrome Manjaro Linux Installation, Chrome Manjaro Linux Setup, Chrome Manjaro Setup, Google-Chrome Install Manjaro, Google-Chrome Install Manjaro 20, Google-Chrome Install Manjaro Linux, Google-Chrome Manjaro, Google-Chrome Manjaro 20, Google-Chrome Manjaro 20 Install, Google-Chrome Manjaro 20 Installation, Google-Chrome Manjaro 20 Setup, Google-Chrome Manjaro Install, Google-Chrome Manjaro Installation, Google-Chrome Manjaro Linux, Google-Chrome Manjaro Linux Install, Google-Chrome Manjaro Linux Installation, Google-Chrome Manjaro Linux Setup, Google-Chrome Manjaro Setup, Install Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro 20, Install Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro Linux, Install Chrome Manjaro, Install Chrome Manjaro 20, Install Chrome Manjaro Linux, Install Google-Chrome Manjaro, Install Google-Chrome Manjaro 20, Install Google-Chrome Manjaro Linux, Install Web Browser Manjaro 20, Install Web Browser Manjaro Linux, Manjaro 20 Browser, Manjaro 20 Browser Install, Manjaro 20 Browser Installation, Manjaro 20 Browser Setup, Manjaro 20 Chrome, Manjaro 20 Chrome Developer Edition, Manjaro 20 Chrome Developer Edition Installation, Manjaro 20 Chrome Install, Manjaro 20 Chrome Installation, Manjaro 20 Chrome Setup, Manjaro 20 Google-Chrome, Manjaro 20 Google-Chrome Install, Manjaro 20 Google-Chrome Installation, Manjaro 20 Google-Chrome Setup, Manjaro 20 Install Browser, Manjaro 20 Install Chrome, Manjaro 20 Install Chrome Developer Edition, Manjaro 20 Install Google-Chrome, Manjaro 20 Install Web Browser, Manjaro 20 Web Browser, Manjaro 20 Web Browser Installation, Manjaro Linux 20 Browser, Manjaro Linux 20 Browser Install, Manjaro Linux 20 Browser Installation, Manjaro Linux 20 Browser Setup, Manjaro Linux 20 Chrome, Manjaro Linux 20 Chrome Install, Manjaro Linux 20 Chrome Installation, Manjaro Linux 20 Chrome Setup, Manjaro Linux 20 Google-Chrome, Manjaro Linux 20 Google-Chrome Install, Manjaro Linux 20 Google-Chrome Installation, Manjaro Linux 20 Google-Chrome Setup, Manjaro Linux 20 Install Browser, Manjaro Linux 20 Install Chrome, Manjaro Linux 20 Install Google-Chrome, Manjaro Linux Chrome Developer Edition, Manjaro Linux Chrome Developer Edition Installation, Manjaro Linux Install Chrome Developer Edition, Manjaro Linux Install Web Browser, Manjaro Linux Web Browser, Manjaro Linux Web Browser Installation, Setup Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro 20, Setup Chrome Developer Edition Manjaro Linux, Setup Web Browser Manjaro 20, Setup Web Browser Manjaro Linux, Web Browser Install Manjaro 20, Web Browser Install Manjaro Linux, Web Browser Manjaro 20, Web Browser Manjaro 20 Install, Web Browser Manjaro 20 Installation, Web Browser Manjaro 20 Setup, Web Browser Manjaro Linux, Web Browser Manjaro Linux Install, Web Browser Manjaro Linux Installation, Web Browser Manjaro Linux Setup