GNU/Linux Archman Installing AUR Package – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Software from the AUR Repository in Archman GNU/Linux Desktop.
And this guide make use of the Yay Package Manager that make it Easy to Search and Install Software from the AUR Repo that contains more than 44000 Packages.
Moreover, Yay is an AUR Helper and Pacman Wrapper written in Go that is based on the Design of yaourt, apacman and pacaur.
Finally, Yay Features are:
- Perform advanced dependency solving
- Download PKGBUILDs from ABS or AUR
- Tab-complete the AUR
- Query user up-front for all input (prior to starting builds)
- Narrow search terms (yay linux header will first search linux and then narrow on header)
- Find matching package providers during search and allow selection
- Remove make dependencies at the end of the build process
- Run without sourcing PKGBUILD