$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

Step-by-step – Vulkan SDK Installation in Pop!_OS

April 3, 2021 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.


  1. 2. Enabling Vulkan SDK Repository

    Add Vulkan SDK Repository for Pop!_OS GNU/Linux

    Enabling Vulkan API Repo for Pop!_OS

    Choose the Vulkan SDK Release and then set it up as for the corresponding Ubuntu Release.

  2. 3. Installing Vulkan SDK

    Then to Install Vulkan SDK in Pop!_OS
    Simply run:

    sudo apt install vulkan-sdk

    Authenticate with the User Admin Pass.
    If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo.
