3. Downloading broadcom-sta-dkms
Download broadcom-sta-dkms for Arch GNU/Linux
Provides to Grab both broadcom-wl-dkms and dkms.
Choose “Download From Mirror” on the Right Sidebar.
Store them in a Separate Folder.
Proceed in the same way for the eventual Dependencies.4. Installing Broadcom-sta-dkms
Then to Install broadcom-sta-dkms Driver
First, make a target Directory with:mkdir ~/Downloads/broadcom
Then put the downloaded Packages into this Folder:
sudo mv ~/Downloads/broadcom-sta-dkms/* ~/Downloads/dkms/* ~/Downloads/broadcom/
Or if its are stored in a USB Key then replace “~/Downloads” with the alternate Location.
Possibly see: USB Device Path Linux Look up Guide.
Then access the Target like:cd ~/Downloads/broadcom/
And then to install its recursively play:
sudo pacman -U ./*.t*
For more insight about see: How to Install Downloaded Packages on Arch.
Finally, Reboot to load the Driver with:sudo reboot