GNU/Linux Desktop Setting up Launcher Category Guide
The Article Describe How to Properly Set-Up the Category for the Main Applications Menu for a Launcher on GNU/Linux Desktops.
This Standard is managed by the Organization.
At this Time it should be the Same for All Main Desktops like:
- KDE Plasma
- Lxde
- LXQt
- Xfce
- Mate
- Cinnamon
- Enlightenment
- Budgie
- Pantheon
- Deepin
- Unity
Finally, the Contents and Details of Post are Expressly Essentials to Give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands and Make the Tut Easier to Understand. ;)

1. Making a Menu App Launcher
How to Create App Launcher on Main Menu.
2. Editing Launcher
Open for Editing the App File .desktop
With nano play:sudo nano /usr/share/applications/
How to QuickStart with Command Line on GNU/Linux
Ctrl+Shift+v to Paste in.
Finally, Ctrl+x to Save & Exit from nano Editor.3. Setting up Category
Modify or Add the “Categories” Entry (It is Case-Sensitive)
As Specified from freedesktop you Need to Set At Least One Main Category from the List of 10 Categories Enabled!
Main Category List
A multimedia (audio/video) application.
An application for development.
Educational software.
A game.
Graphical application.
Network application such as a web browser.
An office type application.
Settings applications.
System application, “System Tools” such as say a log viewer or network monitor.
Small utility application, “Accessories”.
Only the Main Categories Generates a Correspondent Application Menu Entry.
However, you are free to Set Multiple Categories for a Launcher.
You Can Not Set a Custom Application Menu Entry just Because the Main Categories are Managed by freedesktop Standardization.