$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

LAMP PHP 8.x Installation in Fedora 33 – Step-by-step

November 26, 2021 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.


  1. 2. Enabling Remi Repository

    Enable Remi Collet Repo for Fedora GNU/Linux

    Adding Remi RPM Repo for Fedora
  2. 3. Installing PHP 8.1

    Now to Install PHP 8.1 on Fedora
    First, enable the Module Stream with:

    sudo dnf module reset php

    Then to Search for the available PHP 8 Releases:

    dnf search php8

    And then to Install PHP 8.3 play:

    sudo dnf module install php:remi-8.3

    This Setup includes also the most useful Extensions and Tools.
    Next to Setup also Apache and MariaDB Servers again:

    sudo dnf --enablerepo=remi install php httpd mariadb-server mariadb php-mysqli

    Especially relevant, then in case of mysqlnd_global_stats Issue see the: Troubleshooting.
    This Setup includes also the most useful Extensions and Tools.
    Then Test your new Php with:

    php -v
  3. 4. Installing PHP 8.1 Extensions

    Again to Search PHP 8.1 Extensions.

    So you can Search for the available PHP 8 Extensions running:

    dnf search php83-

    And possibily refine the Result using a grep Pipe

    dnf search php- | grep [KEYWORD]


    dnf search php83- | grep extension

    Next to Install them play:

    sudo dnf install php83-php-pecl-[MYEXT]

    Or also for instance, on a Multiple Setup:

    sudo dnf install php83-php-pecl-{mcrypt,mysql,imagick,memcached}

    Simply Hit “y” and Enter when the Command Stop:

