2. Installing AUR Package Manager
How to Install Yay for Manjaro GNU/Linux
3. Installing PHP 8.0
Now to Install PHP 8.0 on Manjaro
First, Install the Required Packages:sudo pacman -Sy hspell nuspell libvoikko
Then to Setup it simply play:
yay -Sy --noconfirm php80 php80-apache
On Prompt try simply to Hit “Enter” and follow with the Default Choices.
Possibly to Accept the License Agreement Hit “q”.
In case of any Issue and for further insight see: AUR Php80.
In case of a “gpg: keyserver receive failed: No name” Issue see the -> Troubleshooting.
Last, Test your new Php with:php -v
4. Searching PHP 8.0 Extensions
Again to Search PHP 8.0 Extensions.
So you can Search for the available PHP 8 Extensions running:
yay -Ss php8
And possibily refine the Result using a grep Pipe
yay -Ss php8 | grep [KEYWORD]
Like for instance:
yay -Ss php8 | grep mysql
5. Installing LAMP
Now to Install LAMP PHP 8 on Manjaro Linux
To achieve the Default Setup play:sudo pacman -Sy apache mariadb mariadb-clients libmariadbclient