Updating Kernel from AUR
2. Installing AUR Package Manager
How to Install Yay for Arch GNU/Linux
3. Updating Kernel
Then to Update Kernel in Arch Linux
First, Search for the available ones:yay -Ss linux | grep "kernel and modules"
Copy the [ID].
And then to Setup it:yay -Sy --noconfirm linux-[ID] linux-[ID]-headers
Replace the ‘[ID]’ in the above Command with that shown on Output.
On Prompt try simply to Hit “Enter” and follow with the Default Choices.
Possibly to Accept the License Agreement Hit “q”.
For further insight see: AUR Kernel.
Last, Reboot with:sudo reboot
GNU/Linux Arch GRUB Configuration Tutorial.
Else for a Custom arbitray Setup you may see: How to Build Kernel from Source Code.