2. Downloading Broadcom Wl Driver
Download Broadcom Wl Driver for Linux Mint 22 GNU/Linux
Broadcom Wl Driver tar.gz Archive for Linux Mint 22Save the File!
3. Extracting Broadcom Wl Driver Archive
Next Extract Broadcom Wl Driver Archive into /tmp Directory
From Command Line, now you have to Access the Package Location:cd /[PATH2ARCHIVE]
But if you are in Trouble to Find it out on Terminal then See: How to Access USB Device.
tar xvzf ./broadcom-sta-dkms*.tar.gz -C /tmp/
How to QuickStart with Command Line on Mint GNU/Linux:
4. Installing Broadcom Wl Driver
Then to Setup Broadcom Wl Driver Offline on Linux Mint 22
First, Access the Target Folder with:cd /tmp/broadcom-sta-dkms*
And then to Install Broadcom Wl Driver simply play:
sudo dpkg -i ./*.deb
This Command corresponds to Install All the .deb Files included in the current Directory.