5. Installing Realtek RTL8188CE Driver
Then to Install Wi-fi Driver for Fedora
Access the Target folder, in case of a Git Checkout modifies the Path accordingly:cd /tmp/*master
Or whatever else the Git Archive location.
First, you may try with the Automatic Setup running:./
In case of Faillure then go with the DKMS Installation that could be functioning after a Kernel Patch.
But after a Kernel Upgrade you may need to remake the Setup changing or Branch as on instructions.
So now to start with the DKMS Installation first Copy the Source Code:cp -rv . /usr/src/rtlwifi-1.0.0
Then Register the Sources with DKMS:
sudo dkms add rtlwifi/1.0.0 .
Next provide to Build and Install the Modules:
sudo dkms install rtlwifi/1.0.0
To Check the New Module is Loaded use:
Finally, in case of Troubles with Dkms you may Try with an Ordinary “make” “sudo make install” Setup following the given Commands.
6. Loading Realtek RTL8188CE Driver
Now to Load Realtek Driver into Fedora’s Kernel
You should Reboot your System to Activate the Interface with:sudo reboot