How to Install Hadoop on Gnu/Linux Distros
GNU/Linux Installing Apache Hadoop Guide
The Linked Tutorials Show you Step-by-step How to Install Apache Hadoop in GNU/Linux Distributions.
And Apache Hadoop for Linux is an open source framework for writing and running Distributed Applications that Process Big Data (large amounts of data).
Moreover, the Apache Hadoop key Features are:
- Accessible — Hadoop runs on large clusters of commodity machines or on cloud computing services such as Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
- Robust — Because it is intended to run on commodity hardware, Hadoop is architected with the assumption of frequent hardware malfunctions. It can gracefully handle most such failures.
- Scalable — Hadoop scales linearly to handle larger data by adding more nodes to the cluster.
- Simple — Hadoop allows users to quickly write efficient parallel code.

Apache Hadoop Linux Installation Guides
Eclipse Hadoop 2.X Integration with Free Plugin: SetUp Eclipse Hadoop Plugin.
- Ubuntu Apache Hadoop Installation
- Linux Mint Apache Hadoop Installation
- Debian Apache Hadoop Installation
- Fedora Apache Hadoop Installation
- OpenSUSE Apache Hadoop Installation
- OpenSUSE Apache Hadoop Installation
- CentOS Apache Hadoop Installation
- Lubuntu Apache Hadoop Installation
- Xubuntu Apache Hadoop Installation
- Kubuntu Apache Hadoop Installation
- Kali Apache Hadoop Installation
- Linux Mint Debian Apache Hadoop Installation
- CentOS Apache Hadoop Installation
- Lubuntu Apache Hadoop Installation
- Xubuntu Apache Hadoop Installation
- Kubuntu Apache Hadoop Installation
- Elementary OS Apache Hadoop Installation
- LXLE Apache Hadoop Installation
- Linux Lite Apache Hadoop Installation
- Bodhi Linux Apache Hadoop Installation
- Ultimate Edition Apache Hadoop Installation
- Peppermint Apache Hadoop Installation
- Deepin Apache Hadoop Installation
- Parsix Apache Hadoop Installation
- antiX Linux Apache Hadoop Installation
- SparkyLinux Apache Hadoop Installation
- MakuluLinux Apache Hadoop Installation
- Elive Apache Hadoop Installation
- Sabayon Apache Hadoop Installation
- Manjaro Apache Hadoop Installation
- Gentoo Apache Hadoop Installation
- Slackware Apache Hadoop Installation
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