$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

How to Install Latest PostgreSQL on Gnu/Linux Distros

GNU/Linux Installing Latest PostgreSQL Guide

Hi! The Linked Tutorials Show How to Install and Getting-Started with the Latest PostgreSQL Database on GNU/Linux Distributions.

The PostgreSQL DB for Linux includes many Features to make working with Relational Database Easier, more Flexible and more Fun for application developers, administrators and architects.

Furthermore, PostgreSQL User-Defined Background Workers allow Developers to write Task Managers, Request Handlers, Parallel Processors, Queuing Tools and other Helper Apps to enable PostgreSQL as a Workload Coordinator.

One example of this already released is Mongres, a background worker which accepts MongoDB queries, interprets them and passes them on to PostgreSQL.

To the PostgreSQL Database Installation Guide Bottom you find Link to Quick-Start with PostgreSQL Admin on Linux.

Install PostgreSQL on Linux - Featured

How to Install PostgreSQL on GNU/Linux Distributions

Latest PostgreSQL Linux Installation