$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

Windows 7 Howto Set/Edit the Environment Variables Easy Visual-Guide

July 25, 2012 | By Duchateaux.

This Tip Show One of the Most Mysterious and Intimidating Step Involved in Windows Software Installation for the Newbies: Set an Environment Variable.

The Description Should Result Childish Easy, Clear and Understandable.

And this Visual Guide includes the Basic Screenshots of All GUI Steps involved.

The contents of the Guide give focus only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands to make easier the visualization of the process;)

Baby At Windows
  1. Start > Computer > Right-Click Properties
    Windows System Properties

  2. Click on Advanced System Settings
    Windows Advanced System Settings

  3. Click on Environment Variables
    Windows Environment Variables

  4. Set/Create/Edit Environment Variables.

    Windows Environment Variables

    1. On Up Window: User Variables
      • New User Variable

        Click on New.

        Windows Environment Variables

        In this Example the Set-Up for the Java-JDK7 Home Variable for the User.

      • Edit User Variable

        Click on Edit.

    2. On Down Window: System Variables
      • New System Variable

        Click on New.

      • Edit System Variable

        Click on Edit.

  5. To Reuse a Variable inside Another Definition:

    Surround it By % Percent Signs.

    Windows Reuse Environment Variable

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