This Article Clearly Indicate How to Change/Switch the Keyboard Layout on Linux Lubuntu 11/12 Lxde Desktop.
Inside you Find the List of All Disposables Keyboard Layouts and of File Containing Any other Possible Setting.
And this Visual Guide includes the Basic Screenshots of All GUI Steps involved.
The Content give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands to make it Easier to Follow.

Open Terminal Window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.
setxkbmap "
" See Article Bottom for Complete List of Layouts Symbols.
File with potential Settings: /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst.
To Permanently Set/Change the Keyboard Layout.
Linux Start-Up Set-Up
How to Create an Application Launcher on Debian Lxde:
Layouts Symbols List
us English (US)
/nad Catalan
/naf Afghani
/nara Arabic
/nal Albanian
/nam Armenian
/nat German (Austria)
/naz Azerbaijani
by Belarusian
be Belgian
bd Bengali
/nin Indian
ba Bosnian
br Portuguese (Brazil)
bg Bulgarian
ma Arabic (Morocco)
cm English (Cameroon)
mm Burmese
ca French (Canada)
cd French (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
cn Chinese
hr Croatian
cz Czech
dk Danish
nl Dutch
bt Dzongkha
/nee Estonian
/nir Persian
/niq Iraqi
fo Faroese
fi Finnish
fr French
gh English (Ghana)
gn French (Guinea)
ge Georgian
de German
gr Greek
hu Hungarian
/nis Icelandic
/nil Hebrew
/nit Italian
jp Japanese
kg Kyrgyz
kh Khmer (Cambodia)
kz Kazakh
la Lao
latam Spanish (Latin American)
lt Lithuanian
lv Latvian
mao Maori
me Montenegrin
mk Macedonian
mt Maltese
mn Mongolian
no Norwegian
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
ro Romanian
ru Russian
rs Serbian (Cyrillic)
si Slovenian
sk Slovak
/nes Spanish
se Swedish
ch German (Switzerland)
sy Arabic (Syria)
tj Tajik
lk Sinhala (phonetic)
th Thai
tr Turkish
tw Taiwanese
/nua Ukrainian
gb English (UK)
/nuz Uzbek
vn Vietnamese
kr Korean
nec_vndr/jp Japanese (PC-98xx Series)
/nie Irish
pk Urdu (Pakistan)
mv Dhivehi
za English (South Africa)
/nepo Esperanto
np Nepali
ng English (Nigeria)
/net Amharic
sn Wolof
brai Braille
tm Turkmen
ml Bambara
tz Swahili (Tanzania)
ke Swahili (Kenya)
bw Tswana
ph Filipino