GNU/Linux Ubuntu 14.04 Installing WordPress Desktop App Guide
This tutorial will guide you step-by-step on How to Install WordPress Desktop App Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty LTS 64-bit GNU/Linux.
And this is the Official WordPress Client for Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty.
Especially relevant is how with this App you can Connect either a Blog or also a Self-Hosted one.
Especially relevant: to Connect a Self-Hosted Website you need to Make Use of the JetPack Plugin.
So moreover included inside this post you’ll also find instructions on How to Make the Initial Setup and Add a Self-Hosted Blog.
Finally, please be aware that the App posting Format may not be compatible with your Website Template.

1. Downloading WordPress Client for Ubuntu
Download WordPress Desktop App for Ubuntu GNU/Linux
If possible on Prompt Select directly “Open with Ubuntu Software Center”!
Or after Double-Click on it in the File Manager…
2. Installing WordPress Client on Ubuntu
Next follow with Ubuntu WordPress Desktop App Installation
Click on “Install”:Then Authenticate with your Admin Password to Start the Installation process:
In a Short Time the Software should be Successfully Installed!
3. Launching WordPress Desktop Client
Finally, Launch & Enjoy WordPress App on Ubuntu
Uses the Keyboard Shortcut “Cmd”/”Win” or the Dash like here below4. WordPress Desktop App Getting-Started Guide
How to Getting-Started with WordPress App on Ubuntu